Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Let Go...Allah with me..

when i feel down...Allah always teach me to be strong & He'll always guide me how to handle my problem..Alhamdulillah...

recently, i dont know why, i kept thinking about my past..dont know how to let it go..
days & night i prays to Allah to show me the clue..why i still cant let go..ohh my Iman...

then one day, after i performed my dzuhur prayers..suddenly i cry..i talk to Him everything about how i felt...because im pretty sure..no, im very sure..only he know me best..He listen to me even before i speak it out..He listen to my heart carefully..every single part of me..then i said to Him

" Oo my Almighty Allah, only u could listen to me, only u know me, only u understand each pieces of me, im ur servant who are always forgetful, weak that cant even manage my own life by self without ur sympathy, Oo My Allah, please dont let me lead my life by myself not even a second, please lead me in each breath that i take, u'll always know what best for me, im seeking for ur bless"

then, few days after that, He destined me to read a pages from web..the pages is belong to ILUVISLAM.com.. the first website that help me on my HIJRAH few year a go.. and today, with the same website..Allah give me a clue to carry on with my life..

the title of the article is 'THE NECKLACE' it touch me inside...
the phrase that wake me up are..

So it is, with God. He is waiting for us to give up the cheap things in our lives so that he can give us beautiful treasures.

Are you holding onto things that God wants you to let go off?

Are you holding on to harmful or unnecessary partners, relationships, habits and activities that you have come so attached to that it seems impossible to let go? Sometimes it is so hard to see what is in the other hand but do believe this one thing. God will never take away something without giving you something better in its place.

only person who are standing in my shoes can feel what this story is about. but not Allah...He knew each of us completely...Allahuakbar..even if 10000 till infinity time i'll said it out loud..i still feel not enough to express my feeling towards u... after all peeps who read this entry..remember this...u may have everythings in urlife (family, friends, husband, wife, healthy,wealthy, etc)..at one time u'll feel perfect..but trust me..one day there are things that makes u feel hurt by them..but if u have faith in Allah deep inside ur heart..no matter how its hurt..u'll feel blessed n peace...insyaAllah..

(p/s : sorry if this entry is more into personal entry, as i consider my blog as my diary, i think none of my life should be hide from others as i felt i should share it to others n hoping it would give us some kind of lessons based on my own experiances. and i wishing all u guys to live urlife beautifully with Allah bless..and if u feel sad..remember that LA TAHZAN...INNALLAHAMA'ANA)

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Dr Ima said

kepada para pembaca..blog ini wujud atas dasar rasa ingin berkongsi cerita..mostly diambil dari pengalaman peribadi dan selebihnya diambil dari blog-blog yang terpercaya insyaAllah. semoga perkongsian ini berguna. jika tidak saya mohon dimaafkan kesalahan saya. jika ada yang nak copy dari mana-mana post dipersilakan. sesungguhnya yang baik semua datang dari Allah dan yang buruk itu datangnya dari kekurangan saya sendiri atas kehendaknya juga. wallahua'lam